
Corporate culture

In the process of development, Golden Dawn has always kept its original intention in mind, kept its mission in mind, insisted on people-oriented, thought of employees and served customers.

Our vision is:
The company's foundation is evergreen, and the career of its employees is prosperous.
The mission of the company is to:
Make power safer and easier to use.
Our business philosophy is:
customer first, strict management, enthusiastic service, and pursuit of efficiency
The company's development goals are:
Traditional industries stabilize the market while emerging industries seize the market.
The company's values are:
Reliance due to honesty, responsibility due to morality, advanced due to technology, and safety due to reliability.

The basic principles of company management are:

1、 Humanized management;

2、 Everyone is equal before the system;

3、 Division of labor and cooperation, solidarity and mutual assistance;

4、 Good communication and rational treatment;

5、 The unity of responsibility, power and interest;

6、 The talent is commensurate with the position, and the victory is pleasant.

Company Profile
Corporate culture
Enterprise certificate
Organizational structure
Factory visit
Team introduction
Low voltage cabinet
Power Distribution Box
Power cabinet
Array cabinet
Company News
Industry News

Contact information

Contact:Manager Wang 13332908599
Address:101, Unit 1, Building C, No. 6, Fengmenyuan Industrial Park, Fenghuang Avenue, Egongling Community, Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen

Website QR code

Copyright ? 2022 Shenzhen Golden Dawn Technology Co., Ltd. 
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